Donate to Sherman’s Legacy Campaign

Make a gift to the Sherman’s Legacy Campaign

If you are interested in making a pledge in support of the Sherman’s Legacy Campaign, please follow the link below and then return your completed form.

If you are interested in making a gift, you can either complete the online payment form below or by mailing a check to Caroga Arts Collective at PO Box 1048, Caroga Lake, NY 12032.

Thank you for your support of Caroga Arts Collective and your interest in the Sherman’s Legacy Campaign. Should you have any questions, please reach out to Kyle Price at

Don’t Forget!

Every gift made up to $10,000 per household will be matched by our generous donors Darla and Brad Dake, making your donation worth twice as much. A household, in this instance, is defined by people who currently reside at your address. If your children are no longer living with you, they are considered separate households and qualify for the match independently. Business gifts will be matched to $10,000 as well.

Caroga Arts Collective