2017 Caroga Lake Music Festival

The countries represented at this year’s festival was more wide ranging thane ever! We had musicians from New Zealand, Australia, Brazil, Puerto Rico, Korea, Taiwan, China, Japan, England, Switzerland, France in addition almost every state from Hawaii to California to Ohio to Boston and more.

Swiss conductor Luc Baghdassarian and violinist Florence von Burg, whom CLMF collaborated with during its Switzerland Tour in May 2017, spent two weeks making music with CLMF artists on their first trip to the U.S.

This season’s new feature, “Encore! Jazz Sessions” packed the upstairs dining room of the Nick Stoner Inn every time to standing room only. David Cook Trio, J-Music Pocket Band and Jason Anick Trio wowed audiences at CLMF’s inaugural jazz series. 
Led by Caroga Arts Collective board president, Rick Ruby, the former Sherman’s Amusement Park was made to shine with paint, carpentry, new fences, and landscaping with help from a village of volunteers.
Their efforts were well-received by the crowd of 450 who gathered to hear Chris Jamison from NBC’s “The Voice” perform the inaugural “Sherman’s Revival Series” concert, and every crowd at the following Revival series with cellist Mike Block, J-Music Pocket Band, Geoff Saunders & friends, and Lo Marie & CLMF Musicians. 

The Barge at Canada Lake Marine continues to be crowd favorites and are a highlight of our season. We want to thank the Fielding family for making these concerts possible.

Caroga Chapel was where it all began. As our first concert space, it is always nice to return “home” and perform at Caroga Chapel, thanks to host Jack DeWeese.

In addition to performing across upstate New York, CLMF was invited to perform as the opener for the Grammy-Award winning O’Connor Band at the L.L. Bean’s “Summer in the Park” concert series in Freeport, Maine.

CLMF made its debut at the prestigious PROCTORS Theatre on August 9th and also led an educational performance through PROCTORS’ community outreach program at Schectedy’s YMCA. A couple from Binghamton even traveled 130 miles to hear CLMF perform for the first time in Schenectady – they agreed the concert made their trip well worthwhile!

Nicolina Dante

From its modest beginning at “Grandma” Joyce Skinner Barrett’s house in 2012, CLMF grew to offer over 30 concerts performed by 85 musicians who rotated through the schedule – some staying five weeks, some staying a few days.

Their housing and meals donated by the community was generously coordinated by Mary Peck and Martha Price. Additional thanks to Kathy Manning who coordinated and sold CLMF merchandise and James Long for providing program inserts for all concerts.

Similar music festivals across the United States rely on this system of community support. CLMF wishes to thank the continuing support and efforts of the community to make this festival possible.

Last but not least, we extend great thanks to Caroga Arts Collective board member Patricia Lowry and her husband Jim Hopkins for hosting the 2017 Gala at their lovely historic camp – this magnificent evening raised over $40,000 for Caroga Arts Collective.

Focus continues on the MyHil/Schine estate, donated last year by Richard and Bruce Veghte to be our permanent campus.  We are moving cautiously to assure we develop this magnificent property well for its best use.
We extend our greatest appreciation to our board and advisors, the many volunteers and supporters who contributed to the festival and made this season a great success! Special thanks to the administrative team – Hina, Debbie, Stephanie, Jackie and Lizzie – for your tireless work and energy.

Finally, congratulations to Artistic Director Kyle Barrett Price for putting together an incredible season from programming to concert booking and artist booking.

It has been a pleasure performing for our engaging audiences and we look forward to many more summers making music in the Adirondacks!

Caroga Arts Collective

Reimagining the Adirondack Experience through the Power of the Arts



Mailing Address
P.O. Box 1048
Caroga Lake, NY 12032

Various programs of the Caroga Arts Collective are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.

Caroga Arts Collective, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (tax ID: 81-2778740).

Caroga Arts Collective