When Rich Saunders was a child, he and his family would spend long, relaxing afternoons sitting in a circle, singing together in the way that only blood relatives truly can: creating close harmonies whose naturally blending tones seem the result of some kind of inbuilt genetic code.

Fast forward a couple of decades and, though much has happened in the interim – a period as one-third of Universal-signed group Thirdstory; a stint singing backing vocals for Chance the Rapper; a trans-Atlantic, more experimental duo going by the name Refs – it’s still those magical vocal moments that are at the crux, however now they’re coming primarily from the singer himself under new, voice-centric solo project Rich.

It marks both a return and a departure for the Connecticut-born, New York-based artist, following a prolific and rollercoaster start to his career. With Thirdstory, Rich had ticked a lot of outwardly-impressive boxes. Recording debut LP ‘Cold Heart’ with producer Malay – the man behind the desk for Frank Ocean’s seminal ‘Channel Orange’ and parts of Lorde’s ‘Melodrama’, the band embarked on several cross-country tours of the USA, including a notable run with Chance that also included a performance on Saturday Night Live. During that time, Refs – a collaboration with Berlin-based producer Zach Lipkins – had also been bubbling away. Inspired by the likes of The Postal Service, it “scratched a different itch”, Rich explains. “It brought me back to my obsession with Björk and Thom Yorke, and these alternative artists I loved in high school.” Their debut ‘Stories’ came out a few months later, in the summer of 2019 (because clearly, productivity is not a skill the singer is lacking). Now, Rich is set to make his own mark.

Caroga Arts Collective

Reimagining the Adirondack Experience through the Power of the Arts



Mailing Address
P.O. Box 1048
Caroga Lake, NY 12032

Various programs of the Caroga Arts Collective are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.

Caroga Arts Collective, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (tax ID: 81-2778740).

Caroga Arts Collective