Become a Caroga Arts Volunteer

Caroga Arts volunteers make a true difference in our community and to the artists we bring to Caroga every year. Along with our staff and artists, our volunteers become part of the Caroga Arts family and are valued members of our team. Caroga Arts offers a variety of volunteer opportunities to suit all interests, experience levels, and time constraints.

To join our dynamic team of volunteers, please review our volunteer descriptions and complete the Volunteer Sign Up form below. A representative will be in touch with you.

Artist Support

Caroga Arts relies on the generous help of the community to offer housing, meals, and transportation for over 150 world-class artists we bring to Caroga every year. This unique opportunity to give to Caroga Arts creates an extraordinary bond among our artists and communities. 

Meal Donors:
We are grateful for any meals or food stock/supplies donated to the festival for our Caroga Lake Music Festival artists! Volunteers may host dinner at their own homes or bring prepared meals to Sherman’s and enjoy conversations with our artists over lunch or dinner. Since we generally have about 20-30 artists at any given time during the festival, we encourage volunteers to collaborate in teams to provide large potluck-style meals.

Housing Donor:
If you have a home within 20 minutes of Caroga Lake that is free for any length of time during the Caroga Lake Music Festival, your home may be perfect! Whether it’s for 1-2 nights for our guest artists or up to 5 weeks for the resident artists, housing is essential to the Caroga Lake Music Festival. As the festival grows, more housing is needed for the artists who travel from across the country to perform in Caroga Lake!

Special Events Assistance

Become a team member that assists in planning and running special events to help fundraise for Caroga Arts! You may choose to help support one or more of these events in planning and executing from start to finish.

Caroga Arts Gala:
Plans are underway for the Caroga Arts Gala and the committee is looking for volunteers to assist in planning the events, decorating the event space at Sherman’s, and helping run the event. If you are interested in volunteering, please complete the volunteer form.

Caroga Arts Gala Silent Auction:
The committee is looking for donations for this year’s Silent Auction. If you have a donation or would like to help solicit donations, please contact,

Charity Golf Tournament:
Held at the Nick Stoner Municipal Golf Course each summer, the Charity Golf Tournament supports the Caroga Arts programming and community events. Volunteers are needed to assist in the planning and execution of the event. If you are interested in getting involved, please complete the volunteer form or contact Stephanie Price-Wong, at

Concert Assistance

Join us this summer as a part of the Caroga Lake Music Festival team by helping on-site before, during, and after concerts.

Front-of-House Assistance and Tickets:
Be part of the team that welcomes guests, takes tickets, and hands out programs during Caroga Lake Music Festival events.

Assist with the setup and selling of Caroga Arts merchandise. All proceeds from our merchandise help support performances and community events presented by Caroga Arts.

Crowd Control and Parking:
For some of the larger events at Sherman’s, our volunteers help us ensure everyone’s safety by directing foot traffic and motorists.

Set up and/or Takedown:
Help our production team move equipment either during the set-up or clean-up for performances at Sherman’s.

Carousel Operation or Assistant
Help provide free carousel rides on the historic Sherman’s Carousel to kids and concertgoers by volunteering as a carousel operator (training required) or assistant.

Facilities and Grounds Assistance

Landscaping and Yard work:
General grounds care and upkeep at Sherman’s Park and Myhil is needed throughout the year, including gardening, landscaping, and leaf/snow removal.

Construction and Repairs:
As Caroga Arts continues to improve the Sherman’s and Myhil properties, assistance with building projects, maintenance, and repairs are essential.

Administrative, Marketing, and Development Assistance

Administrative Services Assistance:
As anyone who now works in or has worked in the past in a business office knows well, the list of administrative tasks required to support our staff, volunteers, and artists is a long one. If you have particular skill sets or interests in any of the wide range of business administrative services, we’d welcome your help.

Marketing, Community Engagement, and Communications Assistance:
This is also a broad topic with many skill sets, each of which are important to us as we continue to grow and thrive! From technical skills such as copywriting, graphics design, video editing, and sound design, to public speaking and presentation skills, we have a wide range of needs! Or help us post promotional flyers and deliver copies of our newsletter and brochures to public gathering places and business establishments throughout our local communities. Any help getting the word out is welcomed.

Development Assistance:
General fundraising to “sell” our many sponsorship and advertising opportunities to businesses and individuals, and promotion of our capital campaign are essential to our growth. Be part of this important team to help us “keep the lights on” and continue to improve our programming and facilities.

Open Volunteer Sign Up Form

Caroga Arts Collective

Reimagining the Adirondack Experience through the Power of the Arts



Mailing Address
P.O. Box 1048
Caroga Lake, NY 12032

Various programs of the Caroga Arts Collective are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.

Caroga Arts Collective, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (tax ID: 81-2778740).

Caroga Arts Collective